vocabulary Archives - Exceed in Learning


Reading To Your Kids
We all know that reading to our kids is a wonderful way to bond and create cherished memories. But did you know that there's more to it than just bedtime stories?
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Gratitude Games
As Thanksgiving approaches, it's the perfect time to infuse a bit of educational fun into the holiday spirit. We know you're always looking for ways to make learning enjoyable for your little ones, so why not combine the joy of Thanksgiving with some educational activities?
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Family Vaca
Kids are just beginning to understand the world, but their knowledge is limited. This makes sense because they have had fewer experiences than adults. But, with fewer experiences to draw upon, making connections and learning can be challenging. In this week’s blog we are going to talk about the importance of background knowledge, the information...
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Girl Thinking
Vocabulary is vital for reading comprehension.  If kids do not know what the words mean, they will not be able to make sense of the text they are reading.  Beginning readers have to use the words that they hear orally to understand the words they see in print.  This larger vocabulary will really pay off...
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Boy Reading Comprehension
You may have heard teachers say that children in grades K-2 are “learning to read”, while children in grade 3 and above are “reading to learn”.  Although there is some debate as to whether this statement is accurate, when kids enter third grade, there is a definite shift in HOW they read and WHY they...
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Mom And Daughter
Building vocabulary is crucial for helping children understand the words they are reading and make sense of the text.  Learning new words begins when children are just young babies and continues throughout life.  Together, along with a formal education, parents’ involvement in developing a child’s vocabulary is critical.  As much as 95% of the words...
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