Research has proven that reading affects writing and writing affects reading. But, simply UNDERSTANDING that reading and writing are connected is not enough. To help our kids develop these two critical literacy skills, parents (and teachers) must APPLY this knowledge when working with them. In this blog, I am going to share a few ideas...Read More
Writing… a topic that is loved by some, but dreaded by others. Writing prompts for students seem like a pretty simple concept, right? In our mind, a child is given a writing prompt and they just have to write. It seems pretty simple! However, it is not always as easy as it looks. There probably...Read More
Can you believe Halloween is just right around the corner? What an exciting time for children and parents alike. This is a great time to work off of children’s excitement and use this towards learning math. There are so many opportunities to incorporate Halloween-themed activities at home. This may help concepts stick better, since the...Read More
Independent learning is a skill that means something different for everyone, depending on their age and experiences. This kind of unassisted learning is something that happens with infants all the way up through the elderly population. Every year, your child starts fresh by entering a new grade and a new environment for learning. Classroom education...Read More