Vocabulary plays an essential role in the reading process and is critical to reading comprehension. Kids indirectly learn the meaning of most words through everyday experiences with oral and written language.
In last week’s blog, I shared a few ideas to help you increase your child’s vocabulary at home. Remember that vocabulary development can become part of your daily routine effortlessly through reading, talking, and playing together as a family. Here are a few more ideas for you to try!
Go For a Walk
Taking a walk with your child provides many opportunities for them to learn new vocabulary. You can even choose a theme before your walk. For example, tell your child, “Today, we are going to look for different vehicles on our travels around the neighborhood.” Then, on your walk together, you can point out the different vehicles you see. You can discuss the types of cars, their sizes, or even the purpose of each type of vehicle (delivery, bus, ambulance, police car, etc.). When you get home, you can continue the learning by reading a book about vehicles to your child and comparing what is in the book to what was seen on the walk. You can also have your child draw and label a picture or write about what they learned on their walk.
Sorting and Grouping Objects
When children put objects into groups, they learn new words that label or describe that category. Ask your child to gather a set number of random objects or toys. When they return from the scavenger hunt around the house, display the objects on a large surface. Together, you and your child can place objects in specific groups and discuss the ways that the objects are the same or different.
Learn Through Art
Vocabulary practice does not have to be rote and boring. Use drawing, painting, or even acting to help your child learn new words! After reading or talking about a new vocabulary word, have your child create a drawing that represents the meaning of the word. You can also have your child act out the meaning of the word. Write the new words down on note cards to review later. You can even use these new words to play a game of Charades or Pictionary for family game night!
In closing, vocabulary is a fundamental part of your child’s reading success. You can use the tips provided to increase your child’s vocabulary in fun and easy ways.