June 2022 - Exceed in Learning


June 2022
Syllables Picture
With little or no explicit instruction, almost all young children develop the ability to understand spoken language. While most kindergarten children are becoming more comfortable and proficient at speaking and constructing more complex sentences, most are not yet aware that the spoken language is made up of individual words, which are made up of syllables,...
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Mother Holding Baby
Imagine this playful moment:  A child is sitting on his mother’s lap while the two of them sing and clap the following words together: Itsy bitsy spider Went up the water spout. Down came the rain  And washed the spider out. Out came the sun  And dried up all the rain. And the itsy bitsy...
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Man Reading
“Do as I say, not as I do” is a colloquialism that has been around for centuries.  The idea behind this phrase is that simply telling our children the behavior we want to see is enough to inspire them to make positive choices.   How does this relate to reading and writing?  Simple.  If we...
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